Our Mission

Our mission is to empower young women, ending the cycle of poverty and suffering

Many factors impact a girl's ability to attend school and excel. Our holistic approach includes:

Increasing access to education by identifying children who are not in school and working with their families to enroll them in school. We operate a primary school in Cameroon and a boarding school for girls in Nigeria to serve the region's most vulnerable children, providing them with a pathway to high school and university. 

Supporting student health and wellness by providing accurate health education, health fairs, and access to clean water, thereby eliminating the long walk to water that prevents many girls from attending school. Our sponsorship program prioritizes children with ongoing health challenges including HIV, sickle cell, and severe malnutrition that prevent them from attending school.

Empowering adolescents through Girls and Boys Clubs where young women and men can develop leadership skills, volunteer in the community, learn about reproductive health and healthy relationships, write to pen pals in the U.S., and have fun.  

Ending functional illiteracy within schools and communities through library development and student-centered teacher trainings. Our librarians offer daily library programming including learn-to-read programs and book clubs.

Creating economic stability for women and their families by offering microloans to launch small businesses.

"Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity; it is an act of justice. "                                           - Nelson Mandela